389659 Short Code - Who Texted Me From 389659?

AvailableLast Checked
Tue May 14 2024

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View info for 389659

Did you get a text from 389659? Look below to get information about this number. Also report unwanted texts to help verify who is using this SMS short code.

389659 is a short code number. Short Codes are generally 5 or 6 digit numbers that can send SMS and MMS messages to mobile phones.

The short code number 389659 is a registered short code.

For more information about the short code 389659, text “HELP” to 389659. Would you like to stop getting texts from the short code 389659? To stop receiving texts, try sending the text “STOP” to the short code 389659. In the United States, it is required that “STOP”, “QUIT”, “CANCEL”, “UNSUBSCRIBE”, or “END” keywords remove users from the campaign sending them messages.

389659 is being used to send text message notifications to their list of different users who have opted-in to their SMS notification program. If you believe you are receiving these messages by accident or you did not give consent for the sender to send you text message alerts, please let us know below.

Many websites, mobile apps, and other businesses use their short codes to notify their users of current deals being offered, promotions, coupons, when tables are ready at their restaurants, password changes, and other time sensitive information related to their individual accounts.

This is to keep their users informed with up to date information, give their subscribers coupons and deals, and also to verify that the user attempting to make changes to their account is the verified account owner.

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Some companies use several different short code numbers which may vary by a few digits.

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